
Are cultured pearls genuine?

Are cultured pearls genuine?

Yes, cultured pearls are considered genuine pearls. The term "cultured" refers to the fact that these pearls are created with human intervention, but they are still real pearls formed by mollusks. Cultured pearls are produced by inserting a nucleus or irritant into an...

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What is the Original Shape of Pearls

What is the Original Shape of Pearls

The shape of a pearl is determined by the type of mollusk that produces it and the conditions in which it forms. Pearls can come in various shapes, and the most common ones include:These are spherical or near-spherical pearls and are highly valued for their...

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How to identify Original pearls

How to identify Original pearls

Dentifying genuine pearls involves considering various factors such as luster, surface quality, shape, color, size, and other specific characteristics. Here are some general tips to help you determine if a pearl is authentic:Genuine pearls have a deep, radiant luster...

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