The shape of a pearl is determined by the type of mollusk that produces it and the conditions in which it forms. Pearls can come in various shapes, and the most common ones include:
These are spherical or near-spherical pearls and are highly valued for their symmetry.
These pearls are slightly off-round but still have a generally spherical shape.
Button pearls are flattened on one side and resemble a button or a disk.
Drop or Pear
As the name suggests, these pearls are pear-shaped, with one end being rounded and the other tapering to a point.
Oval pearls are elongated and have an oval shape.
Baroque pearls are irregularly shaped and do not fit into the categories mentioned above. They can have a variety of shapes, such as freeform or abstract.
Circled or Ringed
These pearls have concentric rings or ridges around their surface, creating a unique pattern.
The shape of a pearl is determined by the type of mollusk that produces it and the conditions in which it forms. Pearls can come in various shapes, and the most common ones include.